Friday, September 16, 2011


Fiber is good for you! The end. Thank you for listening, have a wonderful day.

Well no, there is more. The epilogue to that story is as follows: fiber makes everyone's lives better! It's not any more special to somebody with diabetes than somebody without, except when it comes to carb counting! Don't worry, I'm not going to throw another math lesson at you. Yes I am, but it's easy. When counting carbs, you subtract the fiber. Get it? Good! I was reminded of this when I read the bold sign on the front of the packet of flax whole wheat wraps I bought. They're great and very low in carbs. They ALSO have several grams of fiber, thanks to ye olde flax! Anywho, the sign reminded me about the fact that I don't remember why one is supposed to subtract the fiber. The sign says, "Remember to subtract the fiber, those are the only carbs your body absorbs!" or something like that. I knowwww, Fiber Wraps, but WHY! So there are about 11 grams of carbs in these wraps (insanely low if you've ever read a wrap label), but about 5 grams of fiber. So the net total of carbs is... divide by 47, carry the B... multiply by weight... 6! 6 grams (11-5, that's all)!

Mid-post I decided to investigate the why. It's because fiber isn't digested! That makes sense. We're learning here, people. Get excited. Check it out:

Bullet point: Eat fiber because it makes your body happy, and subtract it from the number of carbs in whatever you're eating (some studies say otherwise... but I win)!
Happy FRIDAY!!